Two Way Prayer
Decoded Cradle
Medicine Flower
Plasters and Gauzes
Ancient Daydream
Circus Tent

acrylic, gesso, flashe on canvas
72 × 48 in.

Two Way Prayer
Two Way Prayer

acrylic on canvas
24 × 18 in.

In this piece, the revelation is the dark burgundy leaf shape in the upper left corner. It is mirrored by a black shape and the two together make a sort of heart. The black shape is also repeated two more times across the top of the picture, making a pattern or visual mantra. Essentially, the message is about prayer itself and the answer is the other half of your heart echoed back to you.

Decoded Cradle
Decoded Cradle

acrylic on canvas
40x30 in.

Vertical strata signifies time stacking, an abstract cradle, the cycles of life: mother-child-mother-child-mother-child, access to ancestors, acts of healing echo beyond time and space, we are threaded, tethered to those who came before. The work we do in the here and now trickles through, penetrates the layers and reaches back back back and lightens. Diamonds loosen from the compressions. Decoding the messages in between lifetimes. Be held. You are carried, cradled, contained, empty.

Medicine Flower
Medicine Flower

acrylic on canvas
40x30 in.

An abstracted geometric tulip sits below an elixir bottle which contains the medicinal flower essence. Up top, a watcher with a feathered shoulder piece holds space for the process of extraction. The mirroring of shapes reminds the mind of our inner-outer projections. A glass obelisk signals the presence of magic.


acrylic on canvas
24 x 18 in.

A black box with an eye-shaped peep hole to look through–from the inside or outside. Translucent green arrows point upward and outward indicating the power of projection. Subtle 3D doorways and pyramids suggest access to another dimension. The red translucent circle at the top serves as a ~drishti~ or a spot for focused gaze amidst chaos.

Plasters and Gauzes
Plasters and Gauzes

acrylic on canvas
40x30 in.

A driving force in my work is narrative. It helps move the work forward by getting me out of the way, and gives me permission to make what needs to be made.

In this piece, a striped bowl holds plasters infused with medicines and gauzy translucent strips of different frequencies for realigning and healing.

Ancient Daydream
Ancient Daydream

acrylic on canvas
24x18 in.

A ceremonial mask with green stripes of the beetle, one of the most ancient creatures to still roam the earth. Beetles, like butterflies, go through the four stages of complete metamorphosis and symbolize great strength, resilience and transformation. Here the smaller pink circle sits at the third eye point and represents the personal, inner dream. The larger nude circle represents its full realization in the light of day.

The mirrored burgundy triangles at the top are sharp and indicate a seriousness and warrior quality. The lower portion of the piece is textured and worn. Subtle, radiating seed patterns in the background indicate boundless potential and contain the blueprint for the dream.

Circus Tent
Circus Tent

acrylic on canvas
24 x 18 in.

A circus tent holds pink bubbles and translucent bright yellow butterflies, fun mirrors and flipped reflections. Step inside.